Monday, March 5, 2012

What a Start!

Hello everyone!

What a long and tired day, but what a day it has been! So after 9 long months of cooped up conditions I am finally out and about. I think snuggled warm and close in my mom's arms is better than my prior living conditions. Just saying...

What are my stats you ask?

March 5, 2012 9:27AM
10lbs and 10.4oz
(that's 2lbs and 2oz more than older brother)
21 inches
39cm circumference head
2 shots in the leg
4 pricks in the foot

I had many visitors (and a few lady admirers) come to my room to check things out. Some held me tight and others just saw from a distance. I enjoyed everyone's company and I think they enjoyed mine.

Besides my parents one visitor really stuck out and he is a poker and a proder... my brother Matthew. Seriously, this kid must have petted me, poked me, and he even held me. He isn't the gentlest of fellows, but he really was loving. So I will take it I guess.

So today was a great great day. My first 12 hours have been eventful and memorable for everyone. Thank you to everyone I met and I am looking forward to all my family and friends I will meet soon meet too!

With Love,


  1. Welcome to the world Colin!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet you :)

  2. You made it, man...and you're gorgeous!
    Congratulations, Daniels Fam, both of your boys are adorable ♥
