It has been a few weeks since my last post and a lot has happened, I am four months old so a lot happens everyday!
I had a four month check up a few weeks back and along with a shot or two. Everything is going well according to the doctor. I am in the 101% in height, 80% weight, and... 125% head circumference. My mom also compared my stats to Matthew's at this time and I am taller, heavier, and the noggin' is bigger. So I have that going for me.
Continuing with preferences, I absolutely love mornings because I sleep through most of them. If I am not napping during the AM I am in my Johnnie Jump Up or in my saucer playing. My dad is home with me this summer and we play, eat and sleep in the mornings. He is swaddling me up and I am napping in my crib full time. My mom would hold me all the time so I could sleep, but the old man isn't as soft. Swaddles me and puts me down. "harsh". But when I am up I love to coo and repeating noises is becoming a favorite. My dad sticks his tongue out at me and makes noises like a motor, but when I repeat it back... I get all wet from the drool. Mornings just seem to be the best time of day for me all around.
Afternoons are just NOT a good time for naps. I want to play and see what is going on! We go for walks or follow Matthew around in whatever he is doing, but catching some shut eye just isn't in the plans. I think the lack of naps has an effect on me though.
You know what is in the plans for afternoons? Eating. Man do I love to drink from bottles, especially after all those naps! I love to drink formula so much so that I am mostly holding my own bottles now. I thoroughly enjoy taking the bottles out of my parent's hands and feeding myself. Now if I miss or drop the bottle I do not accept the blame and demand an immediate fix to the situation, but I will accept credit for holding it though.
That is about it for the last 2 weeks. These upcoming weeks should see a visit to the zoo and beach. It is sunny out here on the West Coast and we plan on taking full advantage of it!
With Love,
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