I just love summer time and all of the things we get to do. Whether it is taking walks around the neighborhood, drives to places near and far, or just having people come over to visit summer just is so nice around here. I imagine I won't be able to lay out on a blanket, walk to the ice cream shop after dinner, or enjoy blue skies as Matthew plays once the Oregon rain returns! But trust me we are enjoying it while we can. We are doing so many different things each day!

Similac is amazing, don't get me wrong. I can pound an 8 ounce bottle and love life for quite a while... but it just isn't filling me up anymore like it used to. So this week my parents have started me on cereal! Rice cereal! Talk about bland and runny. My very first try I couldn't get enough. I tried my best to pull at my mom's arm to feed me faster, but that didn't work. She is quite pokey with the service and won't be receiving a tip until the service is better! Basically, I was absolutely ready for solids and so far loving each bite!
Rolling over is a cinch if I am going from my front to my back, but back to front is giving me just a bit of trouble. I can get all the way around but my arm gets caught and I just can't get over it. My dad says it counts and I am now rolling over. My mom is more of an Olympic judge and keeps disqualifying me because I have to roll back on my back afterwards. During this learning process I have figured out two things: 1) my dad is a softy 2) my mom can make some silly faces when trying to motivate me.

I mentioned this before, but I just have to do it again, but laughing is so much fun. I will giggle softly with my mom and dad, but Matthew just makes me crack up. Sometimes he will start laughing with me and then I just start to laugh and then we both can't stop! This picture shows you how hard we were laughing and I think my dad saw into the future and the trouble we might be! Oh boy! Just Hysterical!

The next few days are going to be exciting and so is the rest of the summer! Our family is going along with my mom for a business trip to Washington and Idaho. These states will be #4 and #5 for me. When we get back there might be a visit to the zoo and beach planned out. August should be really fun because it is the last month of my dad's summer vacation and then he goes back to work. I have a feeling we are in for some fun!
With Love,
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