We are back from our worldwide tour of the Chicago and Atlanta areas! We all had a wonderful trip seeing so many people and getting to know even more. I really had a great time and got to do so many things.
As I said before I rolled over from front to back and it is now really easy for me, but I am not quite there with back to front. I can get my body sideways and if I tried really hard I could do it, but I am still taking my time. Soon though, soon.
Some of my favorite things to do these days (besides rolling over) is to notice and take in everything around me. I am following people and things as the pass in front of me, I am reaching out and holding onto things with my grip that would rival a tug-of-war, and I am finding humor and laughing a ton. Since I have one of the loudest human beings living with me (Matthew) it is easy to know when he is coming past me so following him is super easy. But I am also following smaller things around me and I am starting to prefer certain toys over others as I recognize them. My green turtle that makes noise is absolutely my favorite thing to notice and follow!
Once I have noticed and tracked onto something AND I can reach it, then it is mine! Letting go is really not something I ever want to do once I have it, especially if the toy is in my mouth. My favorite favorite favorite thing to hold onto is my mom's necklace when she is holding me. It has my name on it, it is shiny, and she let's me grab it whenever possible! Again, letting go is always an issue especially at bedtime!
Georgia is such a nice place! It was ridiculously hot and we didn't get outside too too much, but still a great place to visit because of WHO I was able to see. My grandparents. They are awesome! Pick me up all the time, spoil me, nap with me (looking at you Poopa), change me, play with me, and did I mention spoil me?
So lately I have been developing a habit when in the carseat, stroller, swing, bouncing seat, or just laying around. It is a bit odd I know and you can't judge... but I like to put blankets and burp clothes on my face. I just prefer to cover up. You would think a 4 month old would hate to be covered up and would be panicked, but not me. I love it. Everyone thinks it is weird, but I don't care!
With Love,
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