So it has been over 7 months and I am back to tell you what has been going on lately. I don't even know where to start so much has happened!
Since February I have switched schools, turned 2, learned my numbers and alphabet, been on some road trips and so much more!

Back in March I was bit by some hoodlum two days in a row and my parents weren't happy so I was switched to another place, and oh man this new place is great! My teachers, Bobbi and Brandy, are the best. I am pretty sure I am their favorite and they don't seem to care if anyone notices. It was hard to transition and I would cry for a good 3 minutes each morning but all is good now. I am hearing chatter about moving into another room soon, but I hope not because these ladies are the best! I can't imagine being in a school without them.

I had myself a birthday party last March and my grandparents were able to come from Georgia! We had so much fun that week. Of course I was spoiled rotten and being my birthday I got some great presents too! What was also impressive was Matthew letting me have all the attention. The 'Ol Boy was a super nice brother to me and helped me celebrate too. Hilarious story... cute cake and nice wrapping paper the day of my party, but I wasn't having any of it. I didn't want a bite of cake and opening presents wasn't on my agenda. Now they did get opened eventually but since I was turning 2 I had to ring in the new year with a bang. Ha!

In late March our family got ourselves a dog. Lucy! Lucy is so cute. She came to us a puppy that was painfully shy but she is coming around and loves Matthew and I. She is fiercely protective of me and loves to run. I am learning not to pull her tail and she is learning not to run at full speed to knock me over. We are both learning I guess!

In June the family took some road trips. Our first was to Mt. Rushmore and the second was a long drive home from Las Vegas. My parents, Matthew and I jumped into the car one day and ended up staring at four faces carved into a mountain. Matthew is going through quite a Presidential phase (the kid knows everything about all of them) but for me... nah nothing! I had a blast in the car singing. My parents had no clue I could sing so I decided to showcase my skills in the car. My favorite songs that I know best and sing the loudest are "Blurred Lines" (great parents I have huh?) and Let It Go (more appropriate for yours truly). When I started belting out verses somewhere in nowhere Wyoming, my parents were shocked! We must have listened to those songs 15 times each! Like I said I had a blast!

Another trip we took shortly after Mt. Rushmore was flying to Las Vegas and driving back to Fort Collins. It was so cool to take a plane ride and this time I was soooooo much better. My mother was about to have a panic attack before our flight, because she was remembering how awful I was on the flight to Colorado! She was all over me and refused to allow me to spill another soda on someone. Along the drive we were able to visit the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, Four Corners, and spend some time in Moab, UT. I slept through the dam, threw a monster fit at the edge of the canyon (I quickly got over it and I have pictures to prove I was behaving perfectly!), but I was perfect at Four Corners. So Four Corners was my favorite! The 3 day trip was amazing and I was able to get my State count up to 14!

The rest of the summer was spent having so much fun with my dad and brother! We took bike rides all over town visiting parks, ate Otter Pops every single day, and sometimes we got to eat lunch with my mom. Matthew was in a few summer camps so I even got to spend some alone time with just my dad. It was so much fun to run around with him, wrestle and make messes everywhere we went! It was just so much fun! I can't wait for next summer!

At the end of summer my grandparents were able to come back out and they spent 2 whole weeks with me! My dad had a weird work schedule so they came out to help out and I was the one that benefited most! Those two took me on Max rides and loaded me up with more ChickFila than I have ever had! We went on the Max buses so much that I still am obsessed with the "The Max". I wish for it, go nuts when I see it, say good night to it during the bedtime routine, and even chatter about it in my sleep. I love the Max, the Green Bus, and the M A X!!! Anyway I say it, it doesn't matter!

Overall these last few months I have grown so much and am able to do some much more than before. Some of my favorite things to do is zip up and down our hallway on my Airplane, play hide and seek with Matthew, go outside on our playground, jump over our dog Lucy, lay my head on the ground and study how wheels work, read Little Blue Truck, read Llama Llama books, drink milk, and more than anything else in the world... I love to laugh.
As for right now, today, I am 2 and a half. I know my entire alphabet, I can count 1 to 10 and 10 to 1, I know

all of my colors, shapes, animals, I know my name, how old I am, I have memorized "Little Blue Truck", and I now give great big hugs with my arms! I am a happy happy little boy who has a great family and the best older brother. My brother Matthew looks after me, holds my hand when I need it, and gives me the best kisses when I go to bed. Matthew is my best friend and I love him so much.

With Love,
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