It is late February and a lot has happened since my last post. I have added a bunch of new words can pretty much name most of the letters in the alphabet. H, J, K, L, and Q are really hard for me, but soon! My favorite saying in the morning is to repeat "Night Night All Done" and at night I love to run around getting my diaper ready by yelling "Poopy"! a lot too. I am being coached to say All Done in the middle of fits though??? What is that all about? I am just mumbling them now and protesting my dislike for saying that. I hope this doesn't continue, but I get the feeling it will.

I am not saying much, but I can dance and my I love love love to read! My favorite books are Tuck Me In and Little Blue Truck. I could flip through these books for hours! (and do!) My favorite song to get down to is Blurred Lines. It is way inappropriate but you can't stop this guy from shaking it when I hear it! I can't help it and just love to dance.
At school I am learning lots. The daycare I go to is trying to teach me colors, shapes, and songs. Lots of songs. I love to repeat funny songs and dances that go together. My favorite to act out is "No more monkeys jumping on the bed". I love to point and yell NO NO NO! It just feels good to yell that! (I think I know how others feel now!) My other favorite is a dinosaur song that ends with me roaring. I reach within and get really loud sometimes. It is fun for Matthew and my dad to compete to see who has the loudest roar!

Speaking of school, I am being eaten alive. I wish that was a joke, but some little boy keeps biting me. He latched onto me twice in one week! Of course my parents suspected me as the provoker and that it was I that would antagonize someone else. The look of surprise was quite the sight when they were told that no in fact I "didn't do anything wrong"! (I am putting that in quotes since the next story might be in fact my fault). My parents are calling around looking into other daycare places and are thinking of options for me just in case these attacks on the innocent continue!

So I am going to admit something... I Colin Daniels am a terrible sleeper. It wasn't the ears, infections, sicknesses, being cold, being warm, leaky diapers, crib, no crib, night light being too bright, no light at all... nothing works. I am just a rotten sleeper. I myself get a good 11 - 12 hours of solid sleep each night. My parents on the other hand are lucky to get 6. I moan, cry, wail, toss and turn, fuss, talk, and pretty much do things that get them up at least 1 - 4 times a night. Of course the one and only thing that I have going for me and is saving me is my parents realize that in the not too distant future I will out grow this and won't need them and won't want them in my room... so even though I am on thin ice I think I have a bit more slack and will be continuing as usual!

Butter and Kristen came a few weeks ago to visit my mother on her birthday! It was so nice to see them and get some loving snuggles. We had a great birthday dinner for my mom and had a wonderful weekend. It flew by and in only a few days they were gone. We are hoping to see them soon and maybe even a Thanksgiving return!!!
Another visitor stopped by last weekend. Heather a friend of my parents was driving through and stopped by with her dog. The visit was wonderful and the dog she brought with her I think knocked over a domino! Yup, I think we are on our way to getting a dog. I love dogs! I love to chase them, yell "Woof" at them, chase them, and laugh at their antics! This visit was such a wonderful thing for us because I am pretty sure we might have a four legged buddy by summer! We'll see...

In other exciting news Erik and Stacy are moving to Colorado next week! We are so excited to have some Salem friends in town and to have them here with us as Fort Collins friends now! They are going to love the snow we have been getting, the fabulous town Fort Collins is, and I am going to have a baby friend when their baby comes in May!!!! We are all excited!
So much is happening and we are just loving life right now. Matthew has his first loose tooth, my grandparents are coming into town soon for my 2nd birthday, and so much more.
Another post to come soon.
With Love,
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