I am not walking just yet, but I am very very close. I love to pull myself up and cruise anywhere and everywhere. Feeling around and getting into things is so much fun to do. We have a gated cube in our family room that I practice in, but it is only a few feet wide and I am ready to get out more! I need more room. So when I am out crawling in the hallway or by the couches I will pull myself up and turn. My mother follows me mostly and tries to get me to walk to her when I am up and facing her. Most of the time I crash down to the floor, but there have been plenty of times when I have taken 1 step towards her. It is not walking, but I am literally getting closer to it!
My dad headed back to work. He was moaning and groaning about it, but it didn't matter to me because for me last week was great! Ingrid stayed with my for a few days and we had a blast. It was so much fun that I didn't really want to sleep at all. In fact I skipped a few naps because I just wanted to have fun. I got to crawl everywhere around the house and practice pulling myself up too. She must have been tipped off by my parents because she didn't let me open drawers or pry open cabinets. Maybe next week I will get through!
We are working on clapping and talking together. "Clap clap clap"! In only a few days I was able to clap and even remember it from the day before. I am having so much fun with her!
So one thing that I have developed is an unbreakable bond with my blanket. I have a blue and red blanket that I use as a pillow, but mostly I snuggle with it during naps and at night. If you show it to me or offer it to me I light up. My dad will put it on his shoulder and I just dive right in and snuggle with it/him! I just love the way it feels! My parents wash it often because they think it gets pretty nasty after a few days... so apparently I drool!
As a general update I am not talking still. Babbling? Yes! Saying Dada? Yes! Mama? Nope. Is it driving my mom nuts? Oh yeah! She has started to openly complain. Poor thing. She has a birthday coming up and is begging for "just one Mama". We'll see! Hopefully I can deliver, but if I can't I will remind her I am only 10 months old!
My hair cut wasn't too much of a production. Only the hairs over my ears were trimmed. My mom was all worked up about the scissors being too close and when the hair was cut they were quickly put into a baggy! I have no idea why, but I am sure it is important!
With Love,
So, Tough Guy, tell us about the shiner!! You're one rough and ready fella, eh?! Love that about you!