On Saturday I turned 10 months old. Double digits baby! I am as happy as ever, but lately am going through a growth spurt. I can't get enough food or sleep. I wake up in the morning or from naps cranky and impatient for food. My parents are starting to feed me some really strange things, but whatever it is I can't get enough!
Normally I will eat mushy cereal and gerber fruit/veggie, but lately they are working in more and more real foods. Bananas, applesauce have been around for a while, but in the last week I have gotten chunks of cheese, turkey, bread, apples, pineapples, and pancakes! My mom made Matthew and I pancakes this Sunday, and holy cow were they good. I downed two of them!

Since I am cruising more and standing for many seconds at a time, I get to see what Matthew has been playing with all this time. Legos are one of his absolute favorite toys in the house. The other day I noticed that Matthew did not watch me play, but for the first time actually played WITH me! The big guy was trying to teach me how to put them together. He started kindly explaining things, but I wasn't interested. I immediately grabbed with "aircraft carrier's" tower and started to tear at it and gnaw on the red piece! You should have seen the look on his face, but then remembered I am still a baby (plus my dad helped rebuild it!)

I am still not saying "Mama" or "Mom". It is killing her, but she has convinced herself that I say "Hi" now. Poor Mom! I might not be speaking a ton or shouting a lot of words, but I am learning a lot. For instance, I can remember where my toys are if you hide them and if you put one out of sight I will hunt it down! I have mastered crawling and I am fast if you ask me. I will crawl from drawer to drawer and cabinet to cabinet opening and closing them. I know they aren't toys, but man is it fun to pull myself up and open and close and open and close a drawer! When we got home tonight I noticed something near the handles... I will have to check them out tomorrow!

So that is pretty much it for this week. This week is my dad's very last week with me at home. He has been with me nonstop since October 22 and it has been great. He is back to work on the 14th, but with him out the door means INGRID comes back through it! Which is nice! I can't wait to spend quality time with Yaya, I have a lot to show her.
With Love,
'zat you, C. Michael?