So 2013 has flown by and really has been great for the entire family. Christmas is coming up on us fast and Santa will soon be dropping by! I seriously can't wait. Our Elf on a Shelf "Joe Blue" has been coming and going everyday and night since we got home from Texas. He watches Matthew and I to make sure we are good and reports back to Santa each night. I really hope Joe Blue is giving Santa some great examples of me being good, because when Matthew and I saw the big guy last week I wasn't good. Well... to be truthful I was awful. If of course you call awful throwing yourself on the ground, crying, and refusing to even look at Santa...then I was pretty awful. Sooooo... crossing my fingers for presents.

We have had 2 visitors in the last few weeks and looking to have even more soon! Stacy came to visit us for a night. She has a baby in her tummy and it seemed like the attention was paid mostly to that baby instead of this one. Not cool, but I will forgive her just this once! I think we are going to see her again soon and hoping that they are regulars here in Fort Collins. It would be great to have more familiar faces around the house! And maybe even her baby could be a friend of mine!
The other visitor was Ingrid, or Yaya! She came for a long weekend and even stayed home with me last Friday! We had an absolute blast hanging out with her and spending time with her. Matthew and I were watched by her back in Oregon and it was great to have a "good ol days" moment with her. The weekend was spent touring around town, catching up on what has been going on, and even looking forward to future visits. It was a great visit and Matthew and I are hoping for more!

Speaking is NOT coming easy to me. I am however very talkative and will try to speak with anyone who will listen. I can mimic sounds and words, but I can't seem to string words together or come up with my own quite yet. I can say Mama, Dada, Maa Maa (Matthew), baby, wow, Ah Oh, Oh No!!!, Mo Mo (More), Tat u (Thank you), and a few others. Besides words I am listening quite a bit better. I will give kisses on demand and running hugs are my specialty! I think I am getting a reputation for being a terror, but it needs to be noted that I am frequenter of kisses and hugs too!!!

So sleeping has been a bit of sore spot for my parents lately. I am obsessed (and yes I mean that in every way possible) with my mom. If my mom were to try to put me to bed or come get me in the middle of the night then I am most likely to explode when she leaves AND wake up and want to play with her! She is just so awesome and I love her so much I can't bare the thought of her leaving me and when she comes into the room it lights up my world!!! Sooooo, that means that dad has taken on responsibilities of putting me to bed at night... changing me in the middle of the night... giving me a bottle at 5am... giving me my mid-night medicine when I am sick... and putting me back on my mattress when I roll off. I really and honestly don't care that he comes in. I am not really attached to the man and drift quickly to sleep when he puts me down. It is quite nice to have a 9 to 10 minute pit stop when the time comes for my changing and bottle compared to the hour to hour and a half if my mom came in.

Well that is about it for now. I am excited and so is Matthew for Santa and my grandparents to come visit soon. I am seeing presents in my future and I am loving it! Oh and hugs and kisses too.
With Love,
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