I saw my 18 month mark and Matthew's 6th birthday in September! I thought my parents were going to have heart attacks at our age, but they are just going to have to get over it! I am getting bigger and bigger and growing quickly out of my old clothes. I am fitting nicely, not too much room to spare) into 3T clothes. It is funny to get looks from strangers about how big I am as a "baby". I think people expect me to do cartwheels because they think I am much older than I am. Oh well...
So Matthew's birthday was wonderful. He brought cupcakes to school, got a huge present (a weekend in Chicago), and a dinner to any restaurant he wanted! Now I know history will judge me unfairly for my behavior at the restaurant, but let me be clear that I wasn't screaming on purpose. I just didn't like sitting in the chair. It is not like I ruined his birthday, not at all. I just ruined my father's dinner because we had to go to the car and "talk about it". I couldn't hear a thing he was saying over my screams.
Other than being sick and watching boxes being packed up again, I am doing so pretty cool things. I am saying more words each day. I love to say "dada" in a deep voice and he will reply back to me "Colin" in that same deep scratchy voice. Some new words are Uh Oh, a form of thank you, and Go.
This is pretty much what has been happening. Next post won't take so long!
With Love,
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