So Colorado life is great during the day! Hiking, new stores, beautiful weather, sunny walks to new parks, and so much more to take in. BUT, we are having a little bit of an adjustment when it comes to night time. I have to admit that I am not being the best of sleepers. Normally I will hit the hay around 8 and be ready for a milk around 5am and nap again until 8am. Normally...

Ever since coming to Colorado I have been getting up earlier, more often, and just having a harder time getting comfortable. No one is sure what is going on and neither do I. I will cry and cry trying to sleep, but it just doesn't work. My parents try to help, but nothing really works. Not sure what we are going to do... but I am sure everything will return to normal sometime!

The other day my dad took Matthew and I on a morning hike! We went to see a hole in rock??? We walked up trail for a mile or so to see a hole in a rock. I am not joking! It was fun to be on my dad's back and not have to work very hard like Matthew did. We had to stop to let him rest up and have water breaks. We got up the hill and were back before we knew it! I really liked the hike and am looking forward to the next one!
My mom is well underway with work. She is doing well and loving her new job. She comes home with great stories for us to listen to and it seems like she is a natural fit for what she is doing. We got to go into her office the other day and meet people! The building is very pretty and her office is nice! Maybe I will get to spend some time there some day!!!

While we were "in the area" (which I don't believe for a second) my dad brought me to a daycare facility and dropped off a check. So I guess I have a home away from home too. Matthew and my dad have theirs, my mom has her office and now I have one too. I will be only 8 blocks from my mom's office! The school is nice and the people seem to be incredible! When my dad was looking around and talking to someone, another nice lady held me and played with me. I had a ton of fun and am looking forward to going next month! I am trying to embrace going somewhere to be watched, rather than having an aunt watch me in my home :( ....
Well that is about it for now!
With Love,
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