Monday, April 22, 2013

The Blue Ring and Me

These last few weeks have been such a blur.  We have been so busy and it seems like we are always coming from or going somewhere.  Matthew has swimming lessons a few nights a week and with the weather being nicer we are getting out more often.  These last few weeks have brought about some changes and with that I can do more things than before!

I have a set of stack able rings that have become my “go to” toy.  I love playing with them and stacking them.  Once in a while I will stack them correctly and sometimes I don’t.  I just love to pick up the rings and see which ones go where on the stand.  My favorite ring (and toy for that matter) is the large blue ring.  I will hold onto that ring for long periods of time.  At night I will clean up out my play pen lifting toys and moving them, but all the while I will have my blue ring in one hand.  I am attached to my ring and love it a lot.  I love it so much that I will even give up my blanket for the ring… which is saying a lot!

Butter is gone and I miss her.  We have spoken to her a bunch and even used facetime on  my mom's phone.  She is still the same Butter!  She coos at me and I screech back.  Maybe she can visit soon!

My grandfather is coming in two weeks to visit us!  Matthew is of course excited to see him and so are my parents, but what everyone is forgetting is that I will be the one that will be spending the most time with him.  For a whole week my parents will be at work and Matthew at school… during that time it will be ME that gets Poopa all to myself!  Walks, cuddles, and naps!!!  It is really exciting.  Gee Gee isn’t coming this visit, but maybe she can come out for her own visit some other time! 
I can’t wait to show my Poopa all that I can do.  I am walking way better (with shoes now) and much farther.  Typically I can spend many minutes walking around the house before slipping or if we are out side I can walk around the yard for a bit… unless I tumble down the hill.  Sharing is something I can getting much better at too!  When someone says “Please?” to me I am very willing to give you the item, but I still want it back!
My parents are starting to make me clean!  AHH.  13 months old and I have to clean up my toys?  And they are trying the whole “Please” and “Thank You”????  Also according to my dad I have outgrown the small plastic bathtub and am in the big tub like Matthew!  My mom has a different approach and if up to her I am pretty sure I would be in the plastic tub all the way into High School. 

I am still waking up around 4:30 or 5:00 every night for a pit stop of milk… but for the most part I am sleeping every night from 8:00 to 8:00 (except those 15 minutes in the wee hours).  My babbles are starting to sound like sounds that sound like words.  Dada and Mama are words, but Daaaa is close enough for Matthew and so on.

That is pretty much it for now. 

With Love,

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