I AM A ONE YEAR NOW!!! I had my very first birthday party last week and it was amazing! Cake, presents, parents, brother, and 4 grandparents. What else could I ask for! The party was a dinner with family, but eventually all eyes were on me to open presents and eat my very own cake. Well I didn't disappoint! I took a few bites of my Pure Decadence cupcake, covered myself in frosting (literally in my eyes!) and then threw it to the floor. It made quite the mess!!!

I received some pretty amazing presents from some pretty amazing people! But by far my favorite gift came from Matthew. He went out with my parents and bought (with his own money!!) me a switch and go dinosaur. It is exactly what you think it is... a present for me/him! It makes noises and has lights for me and does other stuff for him. Kind of a perfect present from a perfect brother!

Besides my first birthday lots and lots of things have been happening. I am walking with much more steady feet and can put rings back onto the pole. My grandparents visited for an entire week and I was able to learn so much from them! Since they like to follow me as I walk I thought it would be great to tour the house over and over again! I can pretty much walk from room to room and back again without falling. I of course do fall sometimes, but the balance is there. Last Christmas Santa brought me 5 rings that I have loved taking off the little yellow pole they rest on. Well, last week my grandparents worked with me over and over to put them back on! It was shaky at first but with a day or two I can almost do the ring toss to get them on! They might not be in order yet, but I am sure I will learn that soon too!

With all that happened with grandparents coming and going and my birthday I had a doctors appointment too. I am in the 125% for weight, height, and head size. 28.5 pounds and 32.5 inches! The doctor thinks I am healthy and growing as expected. He labeled my constant babbling as talking, and told my mother that soon enough I would be speaking so much she will tell me to be quiet! I also received four shots and had strips of band aids to prove it.
Another great thing about my birthday is that Spring is right around the corner! The cold weather is easing and the sun is out longer. The weather has been beautiful and we as a family have been enjoying the parks around town and long long walks! This of course tires me out, but enjoying the outdoors and something I am very very excited about in the upcoming months.
With Love,
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