On the go was the theme of the last 10 days! Since my dad is a teacher he gets Spring Break away from work and stays home with Matthew and I. We got to do so many things away from and at home too!
The first few days Matthew was out of the house going to a friend's house and the movies. That is totally ok with me because I get alone time with my parents. It is pretty rare that I am the absolute center of attention and I got a glimpse of the only child situation. But each time I was alone and just getting used to it, the older sibling came back! I can see how good Matthew had it for those couple of years.
The beginning of the week we went to the Air and Space Museum and saw all sorts of cool things. Some little boy pulled the fire alarm and we had to leave the building. Don't worry it wasn't Matthew, but I certainly would have enjoyed that car ride home had it been! Instead I got to sit in a stroller as he played on the airplanes and space ship playground. Yeah, real fair!

By the end of the week my dad took us to the Portland Zoo and we saw all sorts of animals. Some were tiny and others were huge! My dad thought to try and take pictures of us boys "posing" with the animals. Seriously? You can tell from the pictures that I wasn't amused. In fact right after the polar bears and black bears I lost it a bit and we made our way to the exit. What can I say? I was hungry and needed a nap! The zoo really amazing and we need to go back this summer!!!

Sunday morning a bunny rabbit came and left candy and chocolate all over our house. This is the second time this has happened since I have been around. I saw the eggs, but Matthew snatched them all up and apparently gets all the candy too. Being too young is a drag sometimes, but next year's Easter is going to be mine. I am going to come out of my room running!
To cap off the week my entire family and Butter, my mom's mom, went out to the beach to check out the scenery. We had a great dinner and played on the beach. My mom and Butter held me tight because the wind was whipping from the Pacific. My dad took another approach. From the picture you can see that he and I are having a blast, but what is not shown is the face my mom made! It was an awesome trip, but sad at the same time. The coast is my grandmother's favorite place to visit in all of Oregon, but it will be her last time.

This week is my grandmother's last living in Oregon. My Aunt Kristen is flying in Thursday night and helping her move to Texas on Friday morning. My grandfather will be joining her in late June. This makes Matthew, my dad, my mom, and I all very sad because days like this won't be the same without her. Butter always makes me smile when she comes in the house and has the softest touch when she brushes my face with her fingers. She is always telling me how cute I am and defends me no matter the fit, noise level, or smell that I may have caused. She is very special person and I will miss her. She was my 2nd visitor in the hospital and these last 13 months have been nothing but special. I will miss her.

As you can see it was a wonderful Spring Break week for us, but this week will be a sad one. Hope all is well.
With Love,