Everyone here in the house was really getting used to calm nights and sleepy mornings from yours truly, but NOT THIS WEEK. Nope. My two front teeth are coming in and it is painful. Not the type of pain that you keep in so no one else knows, but rather the type of pain that everyone has to know about at all hours of the night and experience with you. Whether it is 3AM or 3PM I am not sleeping and crabby! Super crabby.

One of my front teeth has already broken through so that makes three total teeth and the fourth is swelling and just about there. Everyone is hoping these teeth hurry up including me. Sucking on frozen teethers, taking medicine, and having the others constantly feel my already sore gums isn't my idea of fun. It isn't like I like this either!
Outside of that drama some pretty cool things are happening. I am starting to scoot and crawl. I can lay on my stomach and push myself backwards pretty well, and today I noticed that if I hold onto the blanket and get up on my knees I can move forward! I am starting to become mobile and go get that toy in front of me. Very exciting!! This new found (very much not mastered) freedom does come with a cost... my mom is in freak out mode over small toys and things being left around. I am pretty sure Matthew and my dad have heard enough about it, but who am I to say anything?

My six month appointment was last week and everything has come back great! I am now in the 130% for head circumference. The 'ol noggin is just a shade over Matthew's when he was six months, which is of course confirmed proof that a bigger head means I have a bigger brain... and a bigger brain means I am smarter! YES!!!!

The rest of the appointment was just fine and turned out ok as well. I received 4 shots and learned that I am 21 pounds and 2 feet and 4 1/2 inches. The doctor said I am a healthy growing boy! Phew, I was nervous about that.
So there was a bit of sad but exciting news this last week. A good friend of ours has taken a job that will move him all the way to Michigan. Pete will be missed terribly by all of us, especially me. Everyone has gotten to know the guy and I was just getting used to having him around. But I figure that is ok, because he is a good friend he will be in touch, his new position allows him to send nice presents to me, and I have never been to Michigan and now have a great reason!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week and here is to getting some rest!
With Love,
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