So right away I have to announce: I have toes! Ten of them to be exact and they are fun to grab. Since sitting up is part of the nightly routine (not a fan some nights) my eyes found and my hands grabbed those little piggies down there. I am starting to think that maybe there is more around me that I should be aware of...

Speaking of being aware of things, my uncle Erik is here for the summer. I met him back in May and he seems like a nice guy. But I am pretty sure Erik is afraid to break me because he doesn't hold me as much as everyone else. Or maybe 19 year olds aren't fond of holding babies???
Since it is June my parents decided to host a family summer kick off party this Sunday. Holy cow are there a lot of Hansens! They were everywhere! David, Tammy, Chris, Brittany, Dee Dee, Ingrid, Richard, Evan, Pop, Butter, Erik, and my mom! Geesh! I was exhausted afterwards and had an early exit. The party was a hit and everyone had a great time. It was nice to kick off the summer with family and a good party.
The weekend went a bit longer because my dad stayed home today. We went out for breakfast, helped Erik go get a job, and went out to the museum again! But this time we took Erik. We all had a blast and got to see some very cool things. Some of us for the first time and some of us for the many-th time. I hope that Erik can go with us again soon!

Tomorrow I will be 3 months old! Time is flying by! My parents aren't ok with it, but I am! I am doing more and more things with even more that are exciting to come. Cooing, giggling, grabbing, and taking it all in just isn't enough. I think it is all about to get more interesting!
With Love,
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