New cousin alert! My reign as the youngest cousin in my mom's family is officially over. Jack and Will now have a new brother, Nick. The little guy (since I am older I can say this) was born on April 24th. YAY! I can't wait to meet him!

This week was a eventful and special for my older brother. The kid got to go to his very first concert with my parents last Tuesday. He went to see Coldplay! Of course he felt the need to play all of his favorite songs for me before and then again after the concert. Not sure what the big deal is about this stuff, but apparently Matthew thinks the world of these people and even came home showing off a new shirt.

I of course did not go and got to spend the night with my grandmother, Butter. While some were at a concert listening to singing, my audience of Butter was listening to screaming. I didn't get an applause but rather hugs and kisses. Those are the best kinds too. After a short fit I gave the 'ol girl a break and snoozed the rest of the night!

As promised I am smiling much much more and cooing at everyone too. It is quite fun to have people smile after I smile first. Who knows where this is leading, but I think I like it.
This Friday I am getting stuck with needles. It's my two-month doctor appointment. My mom is all worried about how much it will hurt and if I will cry. Matthew and my dad laugh at her worries and say it isn't that bad. I have a strong feeling Matthew has no idea what he is saying, but I am thinking I can trust my dad on this. Or... maybe not.

With Spring getting warmer we are getting out for walks and strolls more and more. This is making me tired at night and I am starting to enjoy sleeping in every morning. Last night I slept a solid 6 hours. Not too bad if I say so myself.
Hope you all have a great week!
With Love,
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