So I think I have mastered this whole smile thing. When in the mood and if I get some help from a friendly face, I will be happy to smile with you! That's right... I have mastered my first trick! My mom thinks it is hilarious and has me do it what seems like a hundred times! My dad has to earn it though. I toyed with the 'ol boy for about a week. I would stare at him as he tried and tried! He would smile at me, laugh, make funny faces... but nothing worked (or so he thought). I would easily smile for my mom, Matthew and Butter (my grandma), but not my dad. Finally the other day I just had to give him a break. I think he was taking it personally! It is pretty neat to let people know how I am feeling, well that is when I am happy. There is no hesitation to let everyone know when I am upset!

With being upset and smiling all the time it takes a lot out of me. I am still not napping without being held too much (although I think if someone tried harder it would work!) but I am sleeping at night without too many problems. I usually will last about 4 to 5 hours most nights, before the tummy grumbles. After a quick bottle and some rocking I will sleeping another 3 or 4. I am not committing to a schedule yet. I am still trying to figure out what works for me, but sleeping at night is something I am liking. Pretty sure the parents are liking it too.

So going to bed is not the same every night, but there is a morning routine we stick to, taking Matthew going to school. Every morning the three of us walk up to Matthew's preschool to drop him off and then a few hours later after a feeding and cat nap we walk back up to get him. All the kids up there want to touch and pet me, but my mother is a master slalom stroller driver! She just weaves in and out of all that snot and coughing to safety! Nothing like my mom being anti-germs.

The other day after getting home from school and during Matthew's rest time, my mom took me into my room and started to take out some clothes from my dresser! Goodbye newborn clothes and some of the 3 month too! One night after being changed it was discovered that some of the 3 month things were too tight. They couldn't zip me up with my legs folding up. I will assume that we will be off to the store soon to pick up some fashionable and cute things!
The weather is getting nicer and we seem to be doing a lot more things outside lately. These people think I will tolerate being laid down in a crib while everyone gets to go outside. I don't think so. I scream until someone takes me with them. This cause and effect game allows me to be a part of conversations outside, watching my dad work around the yard, and seeing a silly 4 year old run around in the sprinklers. Being apart of the action is soooo much better than missing it.

Today we decided to drop everything and head off to the beach. The weather was in the 80's and it was time to see the ocean for the very first time. So beaches here consist of rocks, 50/60 degree water, drift wood, and plenty of people. I was imagining fluffy sand with umbrellas and maybe people getting a tan? Not so much here. There were people alright, but everyone seemed to be either walking, running, or playing something. But like typical beach behavior everyone had ice cream (except me, but credit to my dad who
tried to convince the boss).
Hope all is well with everyone and that you have a wonderful week. I know I will!
With Love,
This week's pictures!!!