I can't believe it is already mid May! Time is just flying by, but as it does I am getting bigger, stronger, and much more confident. The things I can do is amazing.
My Poopa came for a visit and it was
fantastic! I gave him a run for his money and made him earn it, but in the end he did a wonderful job watching me and spoiling me. We went all over the place and took a ton of walks around the neighborhood. We played in the backyard and he let me walk up and down (repeating over and over again) the small hill. Poopa even encouraged me and gave my the confidence to play on the stairs and slide contraption all by myself. Matthew taught me to slide head first, but people are still trying to lay the blame of how I got the idea of sliding back down the stairs...

The week he was here went by too fast and I can't wait for him to come again.
With that summer weather almost here we are always out and about. One of my favorite things to do is to play in the near by field. I love to wander around and pull up grass and flowers. We head over there on sunny weekends and sometimes when my dad and mom get home from work. It really is a blast!

I am talking more and more. I am really struggling to say Matthew and it comes out "derder". Poor Matthew is not thrilled with this, but I am WORKING ON IT!!! I have Dada and Mama down pretty good. I can copy some sounds and movements, but pretty much I do what I want. My parents are nicknaming me "The Goat". I take great offense to this. They feel that I am stubborn and independent. So what if I prefer to wander off by myself and I have no interest in sharing anything. So what if I am determined to knock down or move objects that are deliberately put in the way to stop me from going into a room. So what if I skreetch at the top of my lungs and have a giggle in the middle of a restaurant... Yeah, I have no idea where this goat stuff comes from?

My motor skills are very much improving as well. I can stack my rings in order multiple times over and over as well as carry my basketball around the house. Sometimes it is a "soccerball", but picking it up and carrying it is something I am really enjoying.
Some sad news to report... Yaya and I only have a month left together before summer starts and my dad is back. She has taken such good care of my this year and I am going to miss her. I hope we have as much fun this last month as we always do!!!
With Love,